Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Is Science a Sin in Vegas?

Okay, here's the thing; most Christians, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, etc. believe that theoretical science, for the most part, is a sin. Biological evolution on earth, cosmological evolution, whether or not there are such things as black holes, is homosexuality natural, etc. puts conservative religious peeps on edge, because the bible has strict rules of conduct and things to believe right in it. It's the word of God, so it must be correct, right? And it was meant to be taken literally in all cases, right? Well, let me explain something; all of the books of the Holy Bible, Old Testament as well as new testament, as well as the Holy Qur’an, in the original languages they were writ, are essentially a translation from the perfect language of the perfect God to one of many imperfect languages of this imperfect species. How can an imperfect language adequately furnish a completely accurate translation of a perfect language, and how can an imperfect species hope to understand a perfect being? On another point, each of the previously mentioned texts have been translated into numerous languages before being translated into English. The original text of the Old Testament is Sanskrit, which is the oldest known language, as well as the longest dead language known to us today. Given that this is the case, how do we know that the humans that have translated these texts didn't translate them for a greedy purpose? Or just translated them poorly because in the language being translated from, the one phrase could have meant numerous things in the language being translated to? Or perhaps the translators didn't fully understand the language they were translated from? Have you ever played the telephone game? Typically, what comes out of the mouth of the last person is entirely different from what came out of the mouth of the first kid. The numerous translations from the Sanskrit version to the current version is the same concept. So, does that answer the question of whether or not it should be taken literally? The suggested answer is it shouldn't be taken literally, but that answer is still unclear. Does it answer the question of whether or not it's actually the word of God? The answer to this question, if you look at this particular line of reasoning, is yes, the bible is the word of God, regardless of how misconstrued and misinterpreted. Here's another thing. Look at the time frame in which each of these texts was written. It was a time in which there was very scarce science knowledge. Those texts were written for people of the mindset where little understanding was available, where that was the best way to describe God to them. It's along parallel lines of trying to explain how an atomic bomb works to the same people. It can't be done, because they didn't have that kind of understanding back then. The Bible is the same concept. So, is it not possible that parts of the Bible were meant to be interpreted loosely and as a live document, that as technology and sciences advanced, certain parts of the Bible would be seen as metaphoric rather that literal? Why would I care, being a Buddhist? Because I am of the strong belief that as soon as all the Western Religions (defined as any religion that originated in Europe, the Middle-East, and in the North American Continent after the white man has come to this land) realize that the Bible and the Quran are about morals as opposed to bickering over stupid shit, then there will be a good amount less violence, less wars, more aide, more treating each others like humans. The Bible, the Quran, the I Ching, the Book of Mormon, all of these texts is about treating your fellow human like a human. Period. Take that as you will. -[alpha]{BETA}[delta]

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